Technical support and site maintenance

Why your website needs a professional support?

What are the factors of success of any Internet project? Is it enough to simply create a website and optimize it according to search engine requirements?

Of course all these works are necessary but they are not sufficient. Internet environment is very dynamic, changeable and unpredictable as life itself. Besides, it's a place of fierce market competition and the fight for a place under the sun.

Information appears quickly and fast the same becomes out of date, the website may catch the virus, cease to be interesting and to lose customers' favor because of functional deficiencies and mistakes of developers.

In this case, all embedded investments will be in vain not mentioning about a profit.

Therefore, it is necessary to think about support, professional maintenance and further development of your website. It is not only technical support, but also a content management.

Despite the fact that some minor issues you may be able to eliminated with the help of your employees, we are talking about a complex, professional maintenance that can be provided only by specialists.

You can order a website support of any complexity from our company.

Website maintenance demands professional skills as well as its creation. And it would be better if support was provided by the original developers as they are thoroughly aware of all the nuances it contains.

Such a comprehensive content and technical support is absolutely necessary if you want to minimize both financial and reputational losses in any force majeure situations.

Maintenance and support services for your website from SITE-PROMOTION Studio

SITE-PROMOTION Studio provides the following services


  • Help in choosing a hosting
  • Monitoring of website performance and availability
  • Database backup, separate files or entire site backup
  • Modules installation and adaptation
  • Updating site code
  • Recovery from virus attacks
  • Removing the break-ins consequences
  • Mailbox registering
  • Placing banners and other visual advertising

Content filling maintenance

  • Services information change
  • Price-lists creation and placing
  • General content filling
  • Advertisements placing
  • Copywriting
  • Graphics creating and placing

We'll take care about your website!